
Core Values

Definition: Justice Revival

What is Justice?

Social Justice - To “do the right thing” individually and communally (as a group or society) towards an individual or system. As Christians we are for social justice, but we are also working for something deeper, what we call biblical justice.

Biblical Justice differs mainly from social justice in the “for whom, with whom, and to whom.” It is not just “how we should live” but “to whom do we belong”.

Biblical justice is living out “Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.”

Biblical justice is seeking God’s shalom, or completeness, in areas of society that are broken and working towards reconciling all things back to God’s original intention

Great injustices have taken place in the DISD since the 1970 related to housing, racism, economic opportunities and into 2000 with fatherless youth and a declining community structure to support our school system.

What is Revival?

Transformation of our schools – Moving from “what is” to “what could be”
• From unsafe to safe schools
• From declining and dismal facilities to healthy environments for learning.
• From economically challenged to economic sound via businesses and church support
• From self serving churches to community enhancing churches (unity of purpose) in parntership
• From educational disregard and truancy to effective education and training for youth
• From crime infested activity to crime stoppage (freedom) of drugs, prostitution, etc.

Transformation must be sustained, not just initiated. It will take many from the city to come together as the Body of Christ to play their role in the transformation of DISD

The steps of sustained community transformation through the power of God are the following:

Acknowledging past historical acts of injustice that set the pattern for inequity in distribution of wealth (which includes homeownership and business ventures in the minority communities). This led to the downturn of our school system.

Honest dialogue about economic and racial injustice with ethnic communities and a plan of action of how these targeted schools in suffering communities can be restored through spiritual and economic models of transformation (redeeming these areas where injustice occurred).

Present spiritual and economic models of transformation with action plan with local churches leading the effort in partnership with corporate partners.

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