
The Commitment

Strategic Plan for Transformation Process

Step Two: Strategic Partnerships
The second step toward success are strategic partnerships with the local school. We will discover which strong non-profits, churches, support agencies already exist and are operating with targeted schools and seek to serve them. In addition to bringing resources to these groups, we will also assist in facilitating partnerships with strong organizations with a proven track record.
(See Step Five for more detail information on these partnerships.)
Some of these organizations or institutions are:

a. Heart of a Champion® Nationally Recognized Program (Elevators Program in DISD)
b. Best Practices Models of Non-Profits and Churches such as Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship - Project Turnaround / National Adopt a School Initiative
c. University partnerships modeled after the West Dallas Education Initiatives/SMU model where a major university different Schools of Education, Law, Architecture, etc form a partnership with DISD schools.
d. Corporate sponsorships and non-profit revenue streams to build a safety-net for individual schools and communities.

Click here for the next step to transforming our schools: Casting Vision

Step 1: Analysis | Step 2: Strategic Partnerships | Step 3: Cast Vision |
Step 4: Community Rally
| Step 5: Community Mobilization

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